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A recent update to Adobe DC (2017.009.20044) is causing Adobe to prompt you to disable Protected mode at startup even though its already disabled. This issue does not allow the pdf document to be saved to TM using TM SAVE. Enabling/disabling the option nor re-firing the add-in seems to resolve the issue.

The only thing we have found to allow the plug-in to work is to roll back to an earlier version of Adobe DC and disable the auto-update process.  Or if you using Adobe Reader only and not full Adobe, you can uninstall the DC version and install the earlier Acrobat XI Reader instead.

Workarounds Suggested by Lexis – Users can manually add a pdf document to TM by either dragging the document into TM, or right clicking on the pdf file and choosing Send To > Time Matters.


Run the following command at the CMD prompt run as admin:

Reg Add “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\17.0\Privileged” /v bProtectedMode /t Reg_Dword /d 0


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